Ointment for papillomas: types, actions, effectiveness

Papillary ointment is often used to fight skin lumps. The effectiveness of this agent depends on the composition, the nature of the action, the degree of infection. Papillomas on the body and mucous membranes appear when the papilloma virus enters the body.

So the use of ointments, creams, gels usually has only a local effect. The virus does not go away from the blood. The use of ointments and at the same time antiviral drugs that strengthen the immune system will help avoid a relapse.

Ways to remove papillae

A papilloma is a benign skin tumor. In very rare cases, the papilloma can degenerate into a malignant tumor. If the papilloma is not bothersome (physical or emotional), then you cannot remove it.

method of removing papillomas on the skin

But if the tumor causes pain, such as rubbing clothes, it must be completely treated. It is best to consult a physician experienced in the possibilities and options for treating genital warts. Usually, experts recommend removing papillomas using one of the following methods:

  • Surgery (resection under local anesthesia).
  • Liquid nitrogen (cold reduction).
  • Acid.
  • Laser.
  • Electric shock (blood clotting).

Many people use folk remedies to fight papillomas. Before using traditional methods, you need to consult your doctor. Some products cannot be used, such as on the face, others may cause individual side effects.

The use of an ointment to remove papillae, in contrast to immediate surgery, laser removal, refers to more gentler methods of dealing with tumors.


All ointments used to combat papillomas can be divided into two categories:

Pre-made ointments are available in pharmacies or specialty stores, and come in 3 types:

  • Ointment is based on active acid.Disinfectants are known to have anti-inflammatory properties. It is not recommended to use such ointments for the treatment of papillomas on the face. Additionally, funding may cause side effects individually and is not recommended for children and people with kidney failure. The effect comes after a few weeks of use. These ointments are not effective in all cases.
  • Vegetable ointment.The active ingredients of the ointment penetrate deeply into the root of the papilloma, and the powder has a detrimental effect on the papilloma itself. Since the products include medicinal herbs, allergic reactions in people prone to allergies are not excluded. Herbal remedies, like acid-based preparations, do not impact on the cause of the disease, but help to eliminate its external manifestations.
  • Antiviral ointment.From the name, it is clear that such ointments affect the cause of papilloma - a virus. The drug interrupts the growth and reproduction of the virus.

Ointments can also be made at home. The most famous and effective is the vinegar ointment. Wash the eggs in the bowl, pour the vinegar (essence) in. Tightly closed. When the shell is melted, remove the film under the shell, add fat inside, mix well. Store the ointment in the refrigerator, its shelf life is several years.

Garlic-vaseline ointment, ointment made from cineraria and kerosene, vinegar and flour are also prepared at home. Homemade ointments can damage healthy skin and should be used with great care.

Skin treatment after papillectomy

The use of any skin care product, including ointment after removal of a papilloma, should be discussed with the doctor. The skin at the cut site is thin, fragile, and easy to infect the wound.

The doctor will advise on wound treatment, indicate the possibility of using cosmetics. It is not recommended to use any means until the wound heals.

After the papilloma has cleared, you need to carefully monitor the skin, comply with the recommendations of the doctor, strengthen the immune system to prevent the emergence of new papillomas.